Turbocharging the PI System®
Mark August 26th 2022 on your calendar and come to Houston to discover how to "Surface more Insights" from PI Data, using Asset Intellect and Alarm Sentinel.
Dimension Software and Omicron are proud to present the first one-day seminar in the USA on the uses and applications of Asset Intellect™ and Alarm Sentinel™, AF layered applications that can close the gap between data and Actionable Insights. Both applications integrate seamlessly with the PI System®.
During this seminar, you will hear from customers about the use of these applications to surface insights on process safety, operational intelligence, process control monitoring, OEE, etc.
The event will be held at the Granite Customer Connection Center, 757 North Eldridge Parkway in Houston from 10:30 to 15:30. On-site registration opens at 9:30
Register now. We will update you with the detailed program soon.
There is no fee for this event.
About Dimension Sofware Limited - OSIsoft Ecophere Partner and maker of Asset Intellect and Alarm Sentinel -
About Omicron Development LLC - OSIsoft Ecopshere Partner and member of Pimsoft Group. Authorized reseller of Dimension Software and system integrator for Asset Intellect and Alarm Sentinel.
PI System® is a registered trademark of OSIsoft LLC. Asset Intellect™ and Alerm Sentinel™ are trademarks of Dimension Software Limited.