Discover how RtDUET addresses NERC GADS compliance
Date: Tuesday, January 21st 2020 @ 14:00 Eastern Time
We are pleased to announce another Omicron webinar featuring best practices and best of breed applications for users of the OSIsoft PI system. This time, we adress the challenge of ensuring the reliablity and usability of streaming data.
This webinar features RtDUET, a layered OSIsoft PI Application from RtTech Software designed to collect, organize and calculate availability, reliability and productivity data for power generation units.
It uses Asset Analytics, Asset Framework (AF), and Event Frames (EF) to implement the IEEE 672 reporting standard for Power Generation units.
RtDUET is an application server, compatible with the OSIsoft PI System, which organizes and standardizes the management of downtime and production slowdown events across equipment, production lines and units, plants etc, whichever is the applicable situation. Using a systematic and generalize approach is made easy by RtDUET. It provides timely and accurate downtime data wich are readily usable to impact the reliability, availability and productivity or operations for process and manufacturing industries.
About RtTech Software
RtTECH Software is a division of ADM Systems Engineering specialized in layered applications for the OSIsoft PI System. Omicron is an authorized reseller of RtDUET, the flagship product of RtTech which addresses the industry requirement for monitoring and tracking of operations and downtime.