Content Management in Process & Manufacturing
Foundation for Collaboration & Innovation
In a digitally transforming world, digital content is created everyday, in many shapes and format. Our ability to collaborate requires agile, flexible and sustainable content management platform easy and intuititve to use by everyone.
Search made easy
Using the AF component of the OSIsoft PI System enables the creation of an asset (equipment, unit, plant) driven search capability which is natural for content management in the process and manufactuing industries.
Collaboration made easy
Content management is foundational in collaboration because it enables role based sharing of information across multidiciplinary team members.
Improve situational awarenes
Improving content management improves situational awareness for every one and can contribute to the early detection of faults or issues and detection tactics through PI Event Frames and Notifications.
Information control
Content is valuable if it can be trusted, current and usable. A content management system adresses these issue to make sure the content quality can be assessed by the user while being maximized over time.
Digital Transformation Enablement
The establishemnt of a robust content management systems is a catalyst for Digital Transformation Initiatives because it provides a mean to analyze data and information at the beginning of the process, to deploy the results and the final strategy and monitor its results over time.
Diversity of document types
In process & manfuacturing, operators, technicians, engineers and managers must work with multiple document types: tabular, graphical, flow diagram, charts, trends, dashboads, multimedia, text, etc. Pulling these different types of data and informaiton container in a homogenous environment is a major challenge.
Ownership and Access control
The integrated managemetn of multiple document types from various sources creates a requirement for ownership and access control management.
Integration of new content on demand
The production environment is dynamic and continoulsy creates demand for the integraton of new content on short notice.
Search and find
The most important quality of a content management system is to enable its users to find what they need easily and rapidly. Delivering this level of performance requires specific infrastrucutre capabilities adressing speed, cataloging, referencing, indexing, etc.
Role based views
Users are demanding when it comes to information and data presentation and rightly so. The ability to personalize data and information and access in a content management system can be a significant success element in generating tangible benefits.
Roadmap to success
The roadmap to a successfull solution involves understanding of the requirements, assessing the degree of fitness of commercial off the shelf solutions vs custom built solution, gap analysis, design, implementation and validation of benefits. Omicron Development is the trusted partner that will accompany you in this journey.
Get started today!
We are ready to assist you in transforming streaming OSIsoft PI data & events into tangible business and operational outcomes.