David Soll will demo utility for migrating Performance Equations to AF Analytics at PI World EMEA 2018
Migrating OSIsoft Performance Equations to AF Analytics programmatically will be the subject of David Soll's presentation at PI World EMEA 2018 in Barcelona. David's presentation will be part of the Day 1 PI Geek Track, scheduled for Room 124 PI Level at 14:45.
OSIsoft released the PE2AF tool, of which Omicron was the principal developer, just before PI World in San Francisco.
If the complexity and enormity of migrating PE’s to Asset Analytics (PE2AF) has slowed your company’s migration of your existing PI applications, then you should watch migrating Performance Equations to AF Analytics​. In it, David reviews what the tool does to make the migration easier and how the tool will support you in verifying that the AF Analytics will provide a faithful replication of the results you have been getting from PE’s.
Migrating PEs to AF is made dramatically easier with this tool, as it recognizes when multiple PEs share a common formula but use different PITags. It makes it possible to replace all those similar PEs with a single AF Template. It also adds necessary input tags to AF elements as attributes and will verify that the analytic faithfully generates identical or near identical results before actually replacing the PEs. The resulting AF templates are much easier to maintain and AF Analytics provides a much more scalable solution than Performance Equations ever have.
The PE2AF Utility consists of a single executable that can be run from any PI client (server, desktop or laptop with the PI AF client installed, version 2015 or later).
Omicron encourages you to check out the tool on GitHub and call us at +1-609-678-0110 with any questions you may have. Access the tool at OSIsoft GitHub PE to AF Migration Utility​