As expectations on enterprise applications continually become more sophisticated, the need for accurate data from the plant floor becomes more critical every year. Historically, there has been a disconnect between the enterprise and the plant floor. There are many reasons for the disconnect, the most obvious being the difference in typical enterprise data (relational) and plant floor data (time series). Gary will explain many of the key issues related to use of plant floor data in the enterprise as well as some of the technologies that can be utilized to bridge the two. This presentation will include both conceptual solutions as well as some specific practical examples that have been deployed.
About Gary Clayton Gary Clayton is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Omicron Development, LLC. Gary received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Florida Institute of Technology and MA in Organization Management and Development from Fielding Graduate University. Gary has over 30 years experience in the Information Technology field and is a member of the IEEE. He has been VP of Technology for a business products manufacturer and Director of Consulting and Custom Programming for the Americas for an ERP/logistics/warehousing software company. He has worked with more than 40 major clients in the discrete and process manufacturing industries on projects ranging from mining kitty litter to blending lubricants to building PCs.